Healthy Boundaries

Setting Healthy Boundaries in order to obtain maximum self-care is something you must implement in your life. Without establishing boundaries chaos is bound to occur & it’s an unfortunate way to allow people to take advantage of you. There are instances where you want to help others out, which is fine, but keep in mind not everyone has boundaries in their lives. In this blog, we will give you a step-by-step guide on how to establish healthy boundaries.

 1. Saying “NO” is Okay!

Many of us today struggle with telling the ones we love no when it comes to them needing excessive help or if they are doing something that doesn’t align with our values & how we live our lives. As parents, we have no problems with telling our children no. However, when it comes to adults, it can be a little tricky. Some people will peer pressure you into giving in to their demands or maybe a simple request that you can’t help with. I promise you that saying “No” or “maybe next time” will not hurt. Saying No is giving you the power to make your own decisions & stand on that decision. If the individual gets upset it’s fine, and may be a sign that they are not healthy for you.

 2. You can’t save the world if you are drowning!

A lot of us have had a childhood dream of becoming a hero & saving the world. The thought is very sentimental, however, it’s not realistic. With the current economy we live in, unfortunately, a lot of us are struggling. Some of us are even struggling mentally or with our health. If you feel like you’re drowning, this is the time to give yourself the care that you need & prioritize your own mental, physical, spiritual & emotional health. You can’t be a good friend, mother, father, etc if you don’t take care of yourself and your needs first. Set realistic standards for yourself & if you are able to occasionally help then do so. 

3. Healthy Relationships and Friendships!

If I have learned anything in this life the best advice I have ever received was that having friends that genuinely care about you will be there for the good & the bad. They also will call you out if you are doing something that is detrimental to yourself. Having friends that can teach you how to set boundaries or respect your boundaries is very important. Having a partner that respects your boundaries is especially important. Before dating, be upfront about what you expect and what your boundaries are. If they can’t respect that then cut them loose & take care of yourself.

4. Staying Active & Taking care of your physique is very important!

If you’re constantly feeling sluggish or sick it’s time to make that change in your life. If you are uncomfortable in a gym setting you can always work out at home. Simple walks, stretching, or activities such as Pilates or yoga can have a very positive impact on your health & boost your self-esteem. Dancing is one of my favorite forms of exercise & it releases serotonin that helps boost your mood. Make sure that by staying active you are eating healthy & drinking plenty of water.

5. Communication with the technology we have today!

We are open to many forms of communication. However many of us struggle with communicating boundaries with our friends or loved ones. Communicating your boundaries, such as not liking alcohol, etc.. should be established up front when talking with others. If they are not willing to listen, take care of yourself & cut that individual off. If you haven’t heard from someone in a while, check in on them & ask how they are doing. If you’re an individual who likes their space, make sure to communicate that. There are so many unnecessary misunderstandings due to the lack of proper communication. We are all human at the end of the day & we should be mature enough to talk about our feelings, likes, dislikes, etc… 

Setting boundaries may be a challenge but I promise if you follow these steps it will help make you a stronger person & help you become a happier individual.