


People believe that money is the most crucial aspect of life, but I can tell you they’re wrong! Time is the most valuable asset. Many of us struggle with having time for ourselves. Such as…

  • Self Care
  • Hobbies
  • Strengthening Your Relationship With God
  • Trying New Things, etc…

These moments are critical to becoming the best version of yourself and even help if you struggle mentally. 

Live for Now

Each day we wake up we are blessed with a gift called the “present.” It’s normal to worry about the future, but that causes more stress than what’s necessary. Make a list or a vision board for any goals you may have. The next step is to start working towards reaching those goals. Do you want to …

  • Go Back To School
  • Lose Weight
  • Start Your Company
  • Lean into Entrepreneurship

All you have to do is take that next step. Focus on being in the “now!” Prioritize your time and watch those doors open for you!

Live for You

What’s something that you want to do for yourself?

  • Travel
  • Relax
  • Read
  • Write
  • Sing, etc…

Me time is the best time you can possibly spend on yourself! The worst thing you can do is fall into the trap of living for someone else. Spending countless hours at work, school, and taking care of others can be exhausting. It’s even more tiring when you don’t take care of yourself! Why? Think about it, if you are unhappy, those around you can sense that. How can you give your all to your job if you are tired? I’ve seen too many individuals work themselves to the bone, only to be replaced by the next person! It’s ok to say No or take a break. 

Crush Your Goals

Learning to invest in yourself is one of the biggest goals anyone can possibly ever achieve. Take time to map out how you will reach these goals and stick with them. Investing time in what you want your life to look/be like is an absolutely rewarding experience. 

Leave the Past in the Past

Mistakes happen! We’ve all done things that make us wish we could go back in time and change. But… guess what, the past is the past! The only thing you can focus on is the present and your future! Some obstacles can be tough to get over, but, with the help of friends, family, or a therapist things will start getting easier. So, focus less on the what if’s or I should have, and move towards the I can and I will! 


The Best Version of You

No one is perfect and that’s completely ok! Showing up for yourself on a daily basis will help to improve your mental health and quality of life. How can you achieve this?

  • Daily Affirmations
  • Prayers
  • Hygiene
  • Engaging in Hobbies
  • Setting Boundaries

This list can help improve your mind, body, and soul. Taking time to focus on the positive aspects of life can absolutely change the trajectory of where you see yourself in the future. This will not only benefit you, but it can benefit your family as well. Let’s not dwell too much on the negative and embrace the gift of life each day! 

Thanks for reading, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Comment below…